Increase Cash Flow

The company worth $50 million on Monday could be worth $55 million on FridayCompanies of any size realize average gains of $1k - $4k per full time employee without changing suppliers or wasting time.

DCI Cost Efficiency Dashboard


Your data is collected discreetly and a few weeks later we confidentially disclose the analysis of best opportunities to you on a “For Your Eyes First Basis.” After you have reviewed and approved DCI’s recommendations, your results will be significant and verifiable increases in cash flow and profit.Our solution paths allow you to easily control everything while we do 90% or more of the work. Many times, all you need to do is to sign a supplier addendum stating that you accept the new, lower rates. Every savings is clearly measured and verified, so that you fully understand and better control your most profitable opportunities.

A company owner’s highest priority – “maximize ownership profits” is not even on the list of their department head’s top five priorities.Case in Point.A client’s employee, who must account for her company’s opaque (and excessive) telecom expenses, told us “I’m really looking forward to DCI making this easier to manage.”Unsurprisingly, she focused on DCI reducing her labor and frustration (a natural tendency for any overworked, overstressed employee) and didn’t think about reducing costs and her boss’s priority of maximizing profits.In this, and many, cases, a company’s staff tolerates excessive costs just to avoid “the hassle” of thinking about how to reduce them. As this practice is everywhere, it’s why DCI always uncovers savings. It’s also why we intentionally design our solutions to decrease everybody else’s workload, frustration, and stress, while increasing a company owner’s wealth.